Monday, 28 April 2014

A Submission Tracker Is A Great Way To Keep Record Of Each Submission You Have Sent Out

Gone are the days when writers had to slog it out pursuing publishers and editors to publish their stories. There were few publishers who were very selective about what they published. This made it very difficult for new and inexperienced writers to make a mark in the world of literature. However, with the advent and popularity of the internet, things have changed drastically. Nowadays people don’t necessarily have to browse through book shops to buy books and read them. Almost everything is available on the internet and some great material can be downloaded to mobiles and handheld devices. This allows readers to enjoy their literature on the go.

This is the reason writers have started looking towards the internet for presenting their stories to a large audience. The requirement of stories, articles etc on the internet is huge and this is why good writers find that they are writing much more than they would have written if they were publishing their work in the traditional manner. In this situation it becomes difficult to keep track of the work done and submitted to the publishing website. This is where a submission tracker becomes useful and some websites publishing written work have trackers of their own which a writer can maintain.

Effective Flash Fiction Stories Deal With One Event Or Time Period In A Character’s Life

If you are writing flash fiction, then you need to keep in mind that the story has to be very brief. The ideal word limit for a flash fiction story is less than 500 words. Usually this can be very challenging for writers who are used to writing lengthy descriptive stories spanning several events and time periods in a character’s life. However, in flash fiction stories the best practice is to adhere to only one event or time period. This will enable you to do complete justice to the subject and make your story effective. By keeping to one event or time period you will get enough words to play with and will be able to do justice to the buildup of the character.

It is also a good idea to not have too many characters in the story as this will take the reader away from the essence of the story. Keep true to the essence and make use of words with strict measurement. With flash fiction writing a writer has to master the art of saying in one sentence something that would otherwise take a paragraph to narrate. Apart from adhering to a single event or time period, you also need to ensure that you are able to narrate instances in such a way that the reader gets a larger picture from the little that you have said.